About SNAP

The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) serves as a crucial support system for older adults, enabling them to acquire the necessary food to uphold their well-being. By utilizing your food assistance benefits, you have the flexibility to extend your budget, allowing for savings that can be allocated towards other vital necessities such as utilities, healthcare, and prescription expenses.

SNAP Eligibility: Discover if You Meet the Criteria

The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) makes healthy food more affordable for people who are on a tight budget.

When the pandemic led to her husband’s layoff, Mrs. Kim, aged 66, encountered challenges covering day-to-day living expenses. Seeking assistance, she turned to her local Benefits Enrollment Center to explore available support.

Discovering that they met the criteria for certain programs, Mrs. Kim received guidance on the application process. Consequently, she and her husband began receiving $350 per month in SNAP benefits. Additionally, they secured Medicaid and Extra Help to address their medical and prescription costs.

Wondering about SNAP eligibility?

The program is open to a diverse range of individuals, from young families to older adults living independently. Each state has specific guidelines, often focusing on maintaining a monthly income below a designated threshold.

For adults aged 60 and above or those with disabilities, meeting one of two criteria is generally required:

  1. Net income is equal to or less than the federal poverty line.
  2. Total assets are $3,750 or less.

Net income is calculated by deducting allowable expenses from the total income before taxes. Assets include countable resources like cash, bank funds, and certain vehicles. In the 2022 period (considered from October 1, 2021, to September 30, 2022), a 2-member household with a net monthly income of $1,452 (100% of the federal poverty level) could potentially qualify for SNAP.

It’s crucial to note that SNAP benefit amounts may vary by state.